Why being agile is a competitive advantage for small businesses

I read an article recently in Cycling Weekly about high street giant Halfords likely entry into the premium brand and high end bike sector

This probably makes sense for Halfords who will be looking for “new” customers to fuel future increases in revenue and grow their share of the bike market. 

At the end of the article there was a quote from someone at Salford Business School … “Halfords had a strong ability to analyse the market and target offerings in the way that independents could not.” 

The same commentator went on to say “High end products coupled with the reassurance of a high street brand will be an attractive combination for many consumers,”

I read it twice. … Continue reading the rest of this article

The Importance of a summer reboot: A Leadership Perspective

In today’s always on working environment, the pressure to keep moving, producing, and achieving can be exhausting. As leaders, we often feel the weight of our responsibilities, not just to our teams and organisations but also to our families and ourselves. It can seem counterintuitive to step away from the hustle, especially during critical times. However, taking time out over the summer to rest and reboot is not just a luxury it’s a necessity for sustained effort and long-term success.

The Power of Pause

Summer is traditionally a time for holidays, relaxation, and a slower pace. But when you have a leadership role, it can be easy to dismiss the importance of this downtime.… Continue reading the rest of this article

Stepping Back to Move Forward: The Importance of taking time out to think strategically

In the always on often hectic world of running a small business (SME), it is easy to get caught up in  day to day operations and not think about the future.  Taking time out to focus on the bigger picture and long-term strategy is crucial for sustainable growth and success.

Every book, podcast or instagram story on business success tells you to “work on your business not in it”. I talk to clients about it all the time, but recently I asked myself how often do I practice it? The answer not nearly as often as I should.

There are two barriers that stop business owners from doing this.… Continue reading the rest of this article

Enhancing Business Value: A Guide for SME Owners

As an owner manager of a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), increasing the value of your business is likely a key goal. Whether you plan to sell, attract investors, or simply strengthen your business’s position, enhancing value is crucial. 

But where to start? 

Understanding a common valuation method. 

One of the most common methods of valuing a business is to multiply profits by a multiple. 

The profits are measured by the EBITDA calculation that adds back; interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (depreciation on intangible assets). Often if owners take a small salary and dividend the salary costs are added back and replaced by commercial salaries and unusual items that are one offs such as a large donation or bad debt are usually adjusted so the figure represents a “normalised” value.… Continue reading the rest of this article

It’s a wrap, initial reflections on Xerocon London 2024.  

It’s a wrap, initial reflections on Xerocon London 2024.  

As the lights went down on the 2024 edition of Xerocon (London) and host Sue Perkins left the stage I felt the baton been passed to us, the delegates.  

“In an uncertain world you [accountants] can provide certainty”  

It felt that Xerocon 2024 (XC24) had been scaled back but it still packed a punch. Some great new features launched, practice tools extended and a chance to listen to what other firms are doing, considered to be  best practice.  

AI and GenAI were hot topics. The question about the impact on jobs in finance is still lingering and as we learn more about the tech being developed I think the question on jobs is less clear, but more on that another time. … Continue reading the rest of this article

Can the success of strategy execution be improved by a daily workout?

As an SME owner manager it’s easy to get stuck in the weeds of the day to day, the operational “stuff” that needs attention to make sure you don’t end the day issuing yourself with a P45.

Often this means that strategy development is relegated to the not urgent not important basket to be dealt with in utopia when all of the day to day tasks have been dealt with.

We know that strategic planning defines long term success so why don’t we prioritise it?

In an post on LinkedIn, Lincoln City CEO, Liam Scully, was paraphrased as saying “While acknowledging the importance of daily operations, he emphasises the necessity of dedicating time to strategic development aiming to hit the very small sweet spot between immediate and future success”

This really resonated with me and got me thinking.… Continue reading the rest of this article

The Three B’s of Business: Building Success Brick by Brick

In the small business world, mastering the basics and fundamentals of running a business can make the difference between business failure and success.

UK business prospect of surviving five years falls in ten years

Data from the ONS shows that the five-year survival rate for a business born in 2016 in the UK was a shocking 38.4%. In 2013 the same survival rate was 41.7% meaning that the prospects of a business surviving over five years has declined in the last ten years.

That’s not the full story though. As the graph below shows the failure rate is different over the five years and not linear.… Continue reading the rest of this article

Unleashing your potential with a growth mindset 

Being an entrepreneur should be an exhilarating journey filled with opportunities, challenges, and personal growth. As you navigate the path of building your own business, it’s crucial to recognise the power within yourself to drive success and create an impact.

One key ingredient in this  journey is developing a growth mindset,  “A belief that your abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work”.

I’ve put together 7 steps that you can use to explore explore how to develop a growth mindset.

  1. Embrace the power of “Yet”. When you encounter a challenge or come across a skill you haven’t mastered instead  of saying, “I can’t do this,” shift your perspective and say, “I can’t do this yet.”
Continue reading the rest of this article

The importance of good health, my journey

In the fast-paced modern world we live and work, it’s easy to overlook the fundamental importance of good health; physical, mental and spiritual.

We often take it for granted, assuming that it will always be there, quietly supporting us as we navigate our daily lives. It is only when faced with its absence that we truly understand its significance. 

As I sit here at the halfway point of 2023, I can easily see the importance health and general well-being plays in every aspect of our life. Reflecting now, if  I were to write a book about my last six months, it would be a tale of how I had previously underestimated the true value of living a balanced healthy lifestyle. … Continue reading the rest of this article

How to beat inflation, twelve months on

In February 2022 I wrote the following article on inflation and how to respond with adjustments to pricing. Whilst we are twelve months inflation continues to be an economic problem and the content is as relevant today as it was then.

How to beat inflation (published 27 Feb 22)

Inflation is the media buzzword of the moment with news stories nearly every day about how the cost of living is increasing.

It is not just hype though, prices are rising in all categories driven by pandemic shockwaves which has driven surges in consumer demand disrupting the demand and supply equilibrium. The patterns many businesses used to underpin their business dynamics are not compatible with the erratic surges in demand.… Continue reading the rest of this article