Enhancing Business Value: A Guide for SME Owners

As an owner manager of a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), increasing the value of your business is likely a key goal. Whether you plan to sell, attract investors, or simply strengthen your business’s position, enhancing value is crucial. 

But where to start? 

Understanding a common valuation method. 

One of the most common methods of valuing a business is to multiply profits by a multiple. 

The profits are measured by the EBITDA calculation that adds back; interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (depreciation on intangible assets). Often if owners take a small salary and dividend the salary costs are added back and replaced by commercial salaries and unusual items that are one offs such as a large donation or bad debt are usually adjusted so the figure represents a “normalised” value.… Continue reading the rest of this article

It’s a wrap, initial reflections on Xerocon London 2024.  

It’s a wrap, initial reflections on Xerocon London 2024.  

As the lights went down on the 2024 edition of Xerocon (London) and host Sue Perkins left the stage I felt the baton been passed to us, the delegates.  

“In an uncertain world you [accountants] can provide certainty”  

It felt that Xerocon 2024 (XC24) had been scaled back but it still packed a punch. Some great new features launched, practice tools extended and a chance to listen to what other firms are doing, considered to be  best practice.  

AI and GenAI were hot topics. The question about the impact on jobs in finance is still lingering and as we learn more about the tech being developed I think the question on jobs is less clear, but more on that another time. … Continue reading the rest of this article

Can the success of strategy execution be improved by a daily workout?

As an SME owner manager it’s easy to get stuck in the weeds of the day to day, the operational “stuff” that needs attention to make sure you don’t end the day issuing yourself with a P45.

Often this means that strategy development is relegated to the not urgent not important basket to be dealt with in utopia when all of the day to day tasks have been dealt with.

We know that strategic planning defines long term success so why don’t we prioritise it?

In an post on LinkedIn, Lincoln City CEO, Liam Scully, was paraphrased as saying “While acknowledging the importance of daily operations, he emphasises the necessity of dedicating time to strategic development aiming to hit the very small sweet spot between immediate and future success”

This really resonated with me and got me thinking.… Continue reading the rest of this article