The Importance of a summer reboot: A Leadership Perspective

In today’s always on working environment, the pressure to keep moving, producing, and achieving can be exhausting. As leaders, we often feel the weight of our responsibilities, not just to our teams and organisations but also to our families and ourselves. It can seem counterintuitive to step away from the hustle, especially during critical times. However, taking time out over the summer to rest and reboot is not just a luxury it’s a necessity for sustained effort and long-term success.

The Power of Pause

Summer is traditionally a time for holidays, relaxation, and a slower pace. But when you have a leadership role, it can be easy to dismiss the importance of this downtime. We may believe that the demands of our roles require us to be constantly available, always on top of things, and ready to respond at a moment’s notice. Yet, the truth is, no one can run at full speed indefinitely without burning out.

Taking a deliberate pause allows us to step back and breathe. It’s in these moments of rest that we can reflect on what truly matters, both professionally and personally. Resting isn’t about abandoning our responsibilities; it’s about renewing our energy, clearing our minds, and returning with a full battery.

Why Leaders Need to Reboot

For leaders, the concept of a “reboot” goes beyond just taking a break. It’s about resetting our mental and emotional state, realigning with our core values, and ensuring that we’re leading with intention and purpose. A reboot allows us to:

Reconnect with Our Vision: Stepping away from the daily grind gives us the space to revisit our personal long-term goals and evaluate whether we’re still on the right path.

Recharge Our Energy. Leadership can be draining, and without regular recharges, our energy levels can dip, affecting our decision-making and overall effectiveness.

Refocus Our Priorities: Time away allows us to reassess what’s truly important, helping us to prioritize better when we return.

Reflections from My Summer Break.

Trying I took a lot more time out this summer than I have done for a long time. It’s been an exhausting ten months and the 17 days away from the office came just at the right time. 

  • I’ve spent valuable time with my family and close friends, those close who have supported me through some dark days since last December. I’ve refocused on priorities swept aside as I supported Mum through the early stages of her late stage dementia. I’ve made memories and refreshed relationships all of which have refreshed my soul. 
  • I spent time with people that reignited the adventurer in me and who have inspired me to once again “dream big” and reach for the stars. I’m going to continue to re-connect with people who have inspired me to keep that spark firing. 
  • I spent time outside. Biking & Walking have both been good for my physical health and given me the opportunity to reflect. Being outside more is something I enjoy and something I need to do more. 
  • I realised it’s ok to work. I spent 17 minutes over two weeks checking emails, ten minutes at month end checking on cash & lock up and a few hours on time sensitive projects the team wanted a steer on. In all around 3 hours out of say 240 (which is 0.83% of my time off). I relaxed in-between, was not anxious at all and was present with those around me because of this. 
  • I read some self development books and articles that I never usually have time for. “Provoke” in particular provided real clarity on some of my leadership style which I’m excited to share with the team. Taking time for self development and improvement is a high priority now. 
  • I forgot about diets, exercise and structure. Definitely fell off the wagon but enjoyed some different food and maybe some things I shouldn’t have! It felt nice to let go for a few weeks and I’ll continue to enjoy little breaks in the diet and structure. 

I even washed my bike and watched a you tube video on how to recalibrate front gears! 

But seriously I’ve rebooted, I’ve re-found some things I’d forgotten and most of all seen the real benefit to me of some quality time away from work. Breaks like this will almost certainly feature in my schedule moving forward. 

The Impact on Leadership

When leaders take the time to rest and reboot, the positive impact extends far beyond themselves. A rested leader is more creative, more patient, and more effective. They can approach challenges with a clear mind, make better decisions, and inspire their teams with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Moreover, by prioritizing rest, leaders set an example for their teams. It sends a powerful message that well-being is important and that taking time to recharge is not just acceptable but essential. This can foster a healthier work culture, where everyone feels empowered to take care of themselves, leading to a more engaged and productive workforce.


As we return from our summer breaks, let’s carry forward the lessons we’ve learned during our time of rest. Let’s lead with a renewed sense of purpose, a clear vision, and a commitment to maintaining our well-being. In doing so, we’ll not only enhance our leadership but also create a more sustainable path to success for ourselves and those we lead.

Remember, leadership is not just about the big decisions we make; it’s also about how we care for ourselves along the way. Taking time to rest and reboot isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a critical component of effective, sustainable leadership.

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